The Chicago Mercantile Exchange
Paul Krugman
Princeton University Professor, Nobel Laureate
Andew Ross Sorkin
Does the Dealbook section of the New York times
The writes of the best selling freakonomics book
Wall Street Journal
Tweets for the wall Street journal newspaper
Planet Money
The planet money tweets
Richard Florida
Professor and Urbanist
Reports informative stuff from various economics blogs
Nouriel Roubini
The tweets of Dr Doom Nouriel Roubini
Jeffrey Sachs
Proofessor Columbia University, New York
Many useful links to economic blog commentary
The Economonitor tweets are a great way to keep up to date on their brilliant blog.
We love Linkfest it is a social media twitter feed where members vote for the best economics and finance stories.
The OECD twitter feed is a great way to keep up the developments in the global economy.
This is a great twitter feed hghlighting some of the most recent economics and finance research.
If you want charts and analysis of the US economy then go the Greg Daco of Oxford Economics
This site has links to many economics twitter feeds so you are sure to find some great stuff. Includes OECD, Bloomberg and working economists.