Best Finance Statistics websites
The internet is a great resource for those looking for financial data. On some websites the data is highly specialized and may cost a lot of money to access. However, there is an amazing amount of free published financial data for those interested in stocks, bonds, hedge funds, ETFs and other financial data. Some of the data is published by central banks, international organizations, governments. Also academics and Universities can occasionally publish datasets. Below are some of the best finance data on the web.
The bank for international settlements has a large database containing, forex stats, banking statistics, external debt, property prices and derivatives statistics.
Financial Data Finder
A simple search engine that will turn up relevant data sites, searches include banks, stocks, commodities, investments and derivatives.
Financial Forecast Center
Offers data on stock indices, interest rates, exchange rates and even forecasts.
IMF Statistics
The International Monetary fund has a huge set of financial, trade and macro economic data covering over 170 economies from the early 1950s. Also foreign exchange, foreign direct investment and currency reserves.
WTO statistics
The World Trade Organisation database allows you to look up trade, tariff and services statistics for its 150 plus members. Find top trading partners of countries and more.
Kenneth French's Financial Data
Ken French has a data library with different portfolios of stocks based on book to market, price earnings, dividend yields, cash flows and other data. Great for use in research.
A great resource for the Morgan Stanley Capital Market Indices. You can find various market return indices measured in dollars, euros and other currencies.
A site offering a full range of data on US equities. You can also chart the data and use technical analysis indicators such as moving averages and Bollinger bands.
The Saunder School of Business has a nice service providing free data on a large selection of currencies. There are both spot and forward exchange rate quotations.
End of Day Data is the worlds best place to get end of day data on individual stocks. There are also long term historical data available. You can also get historical data on major stock indices. There is also data on fundamentals such as PE ratios, dividend yield and earnings per share.
This website specializes in long term historical data both Financial and Macroeconomic going back in some cases over several centuries. Unfortunately, the vast majority of the data requires a subscription or you pay for a particular series. Great for academics looking to do long term historical research.
The European banking sector publish statistics on the banking sector in Europe and also they have a nice spreadsheet with links to specific financial data series on the web. provides over one thousand charts and forecasts, hundreds of statistical commentaries and numerous data tables for hundreds of financial indexes. They are updated monthly, quarterly or annually.
Zanran is like a google for finding data. The search engine finds ‘semi-structured’ data on the web. This is the numerical data that people have presented as graphs, spreadsheets, tables and charts. This data information can be difficult to locate using traditional search engines, which are focused primarily on finding text rather than graphs.
The Global Finance Magazine has a very useful link to useful economic and financial data tables covering richest poorest countries, M&A activity, equities and debt, foreign exchange and derivatives, labour market indicators, debt to GDP and payments data. An excellent resource and up to date.
The Financial Soundness Indicators are devised by the IMF with the aim of supporting macro prudential analysis and assessing strengths and vulnerabilities of financial systems. A range of statistics are available to look at the overall soundness of a country's financial system.
This is a great resource for students and researchers. Once you sign in there is
access to over 10 million economic, financial and social datasets. You can see a variety of sources where the data may exist and download and graph the data. A
superb resource.
The Data Page - Aswath Damodar
Professor Aswath Damodar lectures in Corporate Finance and Valuation at Stern Business School New York. His data page has links to many useful Corporate Finance datasets.
This website has data on various financial ratios for the S&P 500 such as price to earnings, price to book. There is also World Economic Stats and various macro
data sets on important economies such as the US, China and so on.
This website publishes short term interest rates and also inflation rates. Particularly useful if you are looking for $Libor, €Libor rates at 1 to 12 month time horizon.
This database has financials for 10,000+ banks, and 4,700+ holding companies with nine years of historical information. Unfortunately it is a paid subscription service but users of Bloomberg data have access via a Bloomberg terminal.
This is a site where people post algorithms of different trading strategies. The great news is that there is plenty of free data on companies quoted on the US exchanges to test your algorithm on. There are also some great lectures.
The World Bank has a section devoted to financial sector data for various economies, for example stockmarket capitalization the GDP, broad money supply to GDP, Bank non performing loans to total loans and much more. A great resource.
The AQR datasets are actual data sets used by people to value stocks using a wide variety of statistical techniques including the famous Fama and French type of analysis.
Financial Development data Indicators
The World Bank Financial Development data is a full of interesting financial statistics on various countries around the world. Including banking assets, stock market capitalization's and much more.
Chinn-Ito Index of Financial Openness
The Chinn-Ito index (KAOPEN) is an index measuring a country's degree of capital account openness
If you want cyclically adjusted price earnings ratios (CAPE) then this is a good place to go. There are various datasets relating to some of the world's most important stock exchange indices. This can be of use for those wishing to trade stock index futures contracts.
This website provides sets of alternative data that are not usually available. Such data can be enormously valuable for hedge funds, investors looking to get an edge.
ECB Financial Data
The above links to the excellent data on Financial Markets and Banking Statistics provided by the European Central Bank covering the Eurozone countries.
Financial Openness Index
The Chinn-Ito financial openness index covers over 200 countries degree of financial openness in finance from 1970-2017 and is used quite a lot in academic studies.
If you sign up to this website you can access over 140 specialised databases about Chinese stocks and financial markets supplied by the Chinese Stock Market & Accounting Research Database. There is info on stock market capitalization, IPOs, M&A activity and margin trading etc
This is a site where you can see in real time the most valuable companies, ETFs and crypto-currencies. Very useful to see how important these difference assets and securities are measured by their total market capitalization.
World Bank ESG Sores
The above takes you to World Bank ESG scores by country you can get various Environmental, Social and Governance Statistics for a whole range of countries with some indicators going back to early 1990s.
Refinitiv Company ESG Scores
If you are interested in a company's Environmental Social and Governance Scores then the above link enables you to look at a company's overall score and its individual score for each category.