Best Business Dictionary or Dictionaries
There are many business dictionaries on the internet. They vary in coverage but they are a useful starting point for definitions of key business terms. Below are some of the best business dictionaries / glossaries on the internet that we have found.
A huge dictionary covering some 20,000 terms. It has need to know terms and featured terms. You can also browse by the particular business area that you are interested in. Also links to some useful articles in the area.
Contains a large glossary of business terms and definitions. It also includes many some unusual, interesting and amusing words and expressions found in business and management. Can be searched by letter.
A comprehensive management dictionary. Each term is defined and analysed in some depth. One of the best management dictionaries on the web. Also has key management gurus.
Provides an extensive 35,000 word dictionary. Run by Cambridge University Press. It also has the ability to pronounce the word in English or American.
The above link is to their list of business dictionaries which is comprehensive.
The above is a specialised dictionary covering terms mainly related to human resources. It is published by the Economic Research Institute.
The Washington post has a dictionary containing over 1,250 business terms. Definitions are somewhat brief but useful nonethless.
The Guardian Business Dictionary provides reasonably detailed definitions of key economics, business and finance terms.
This is a very good dictionary if you are running an online business. It covers a range of terms such as viral marketing, social media page rank etc A ix of technical and non technical terms essential for those running online businesses.
The above dictionary gives a brief and basic definition of some key accounting, business and economic terms listed by letter.
The above dictionary contains an extensive range of accounting, economics and business terms. Overs 3000 terms are defined and cross referenced via live
links. This dictionary is aimed at students who are studying business and commerce related subjects.
This is an excellent business/ economics/ finance dictionary. As well a providing a large quantity of definitions, there is a similar terms section of related terminology which will assist understanding of the word you are looking up.
The All Business website has a number of excellent dictionaries covering, business, accounting, banking, insurance, finance and investment, marketing and real estate. So you will likely find what you want there.
The Your Dictionary website has a good Business Dictionary including some important finance and economics terms. It is a really useful resource.
The managerwise website has a glossary of management and business terms. The dictionary is searchable by letter. There are also some economics and finance terms.
The Global Edge glossary covers a wide range of economics and business terms.