The term globalization encompasses many things but for economists it refers to the increasing interconnectedness of nations due to the growth of global trade in goods and services, foreign direct investment and portfolios flows between countries and movement of labour between countries. It also relates to the role played by multinational enterprises (MNEs) that produce goods and services in different countries, often sourcing their inputs and placing their production facilities across a number of countries. The causes of globalization are many and complex but include the lowering of both tariff and non tariff barriers to trade, the rise of preferential trading areas such as the European Union and North American Free Trade Area, the falling cost of transportation and communications. In addition, there have been major advances in technology such as the internet, global positioning navigation and the role played by international organizations in promoting free trade and capital movements such as the World Trade Organization, International Monetary Fund and Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
The KOF index of globalization measures the degree of a country's globalization in an index using three criteria. Economic, social and political. It covers 208 countries for the period 1970 to present on an annual basis.
The Guardian Newspaper has an excellent section on globalization covering its many dimensions such as international organizations like the world Bank and IMF, the Global Economy, G8 and G20 and debt.
This is a website run by Anup Shas with links to over 7000 other sites. Covers a full range of global issues such as climate change, fair trade, the environment, population, Trade and the Economy and many more topics. He also contributes articles on each of these issues.
The IMF runs a blog with contributions from many of its senior staff on global issues. A wide range of issues are covered including Globalization, financial regulation, global governance, public debt and more. Posts are often accompanied by relevant charts.
The Initiative on Global Markets is a research group at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. The IGM. It looks at international business, financial markets and the role of policies and institutions in the context of the global economy. There is a very useful collection of working papers.
This site publishes news, commentary and analysis as well as research on a broad range of globalization issues. It has a focus social, economic, strategic and environmental processes.
The Center for Economic Performance at the London School of Economics has a section devoted to the issue of globalization. The above links to relevant working papers.
Yale University's Global online publication has many articles and news stories on the issue of Globalization. A wide range of issues such as the economy, environment, trade, technology, society and culture are covered. There is also a history, special reports and links to other web resources.
This is a website covering the basics of globalization. It covers a wide range of issues such as culture, development, education, environment, health, human rights, investment, technology, trade, migration and more. There are also teaching tools, news and in depth analyses.
The Broker is an online magazine covering globalisation and development. The site brings together cutting-edge knowledge and expert opinions from researchers, policymakers and practitioners. The blogs are great and the site focuses on five general themes - human security, inclusive economy, food security, social change and global development strategies.
The Yale Center for the Study of Globalization looks at the many dimensions of globalization. The issues studies include, health, governance, foreign policy, cooperation and development, the multi-lateral trading system.
The Centre for Globalization and Regionalisation at Warwick University is part of the University of Warwick Department of Politics and International
Studies. The Centre does research into various aspects of globalisation, such as definition, impact and policy implications. The website provides lists
research programs, news, events and publications. Also available is a globalisation index which measures the economic, social and political dimensions of globalisation for countries on an annual basis over the
period 1982 to 2001.
The Globalist is an online magazine about globalisation. Articles are written by journalists and they give insights into the processes, rights and wrongs of globalisation around the world.
The International Forum on Globalization is a research, advocacy and action organization,. It was founded in 1994 and It is led by an international Board of scholars and citizen-movement leaders from ten countries. The IFG collaborates with environmental, social justice, and anti-militarism activists, seeking secure models of democracy and sustainability, locally and globally.
Globalization and Economic Policy
The Leverhulme Centre for Research on Globalisation and Economic Policy is
based in the Department of Economics at Nottingham University in the School of Economics . Its research concentrates on four areas - theory and methods; globalisation and labour markets; globalisation, productivity and technology; China and the world economy. and Data
The World Bank has this one stop resource Users can access its collected economic research. The information is divided up into the following categories; Data, Research and Prospects. There is also links to new working papers.
The McKinsey Global Institute
The above links to an April 2014 report on Globalization, the report is full of useful information and graphs about globalization during the last four decades.
Global Trade Review
The Global Trade Review is a good way of keeping up to date with the latest issues in global trade. The news section covers Africa, Americas, Europe and Asia. There is also coverage of the MENA region and Fintech.
Video Links
The World Bank has a nice debate between Kaushik Basu, Ory Okolloh, Eric Maskin, & Amartya Sen.
Working Papers / Academic Papers
The Hyperglobalization of Trade and Its Future (2013) Arvind Subramanian and Martin Kessler