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Global Markets

Economics, Business and Finance News

Economic and Finance Data Quotes
There are many sources for up to date financial quotes such as for stock market indices, foreign exchange and commodities. Below we link to key financial data and charts from Bloomberg and Reuters and Wall Street Journal and other sources.

General Global Market Data
Real Time US indices
The Wall Street Journal Summary Page
The Wall Street Journal Government Bond Yields page
The FactSet Earnings Insight Reports
Various Global Benchmark Indices
Reuters GDP and Inflation forecasts 2017

The Historical performance of S&P 500 index


  Economic Country Profiles

   Country Economic Data

  Foreign Exchange Cross Rates

Cross Rates from Bloomberg
Listed below are various stock indices

Wall Street Journal Markets page
Price Earnings Ratios on US indices
World Stock Indices
The VIX index
The VIX index Long Term Chart
Term Structure of the Vix
CNNFearandGreedIndex indicators
Stock Indices by Country
US stock indices
European, Middle East and Africa stock indices
Asia Pacific stock indices
Q-Ratio and CAPE
Various Stockmarket Indices

Shanghai Shenzen CSI 300 Index
FTSE 100
German DAX
Japanese Nikkei 225

Stockmarket Returns

S&P 500 Historical Returns

Stock Index Futures

S&P 500 Futures Contract
Nasdaq 100 Futures Contract
MSCI Indices

Various MSCI indices
MSCI series by Country
Foreign Exchange

Live Cross Rates 
Major US dollar rates
Foreign Exchange Reserves

Foreign Exchange Reserves by Country
Currency Composition and Total Foreign
Exchange Reserves

World Uncertainty Index

Geopolitical Risk Indicator Blackrock

Blackrock Geopolitical Risk

Baltic Dry Index
Baltic Dry Index
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta GDPNow Forecast
The Chicago Fed National Activity Index
Chicago Fed National Activity Index
Chicogo Fed National ACtivity Index from Chicago Fed
Residential Property Prices
Indices Various Countries
Commodity Prices

Brent oil Futures
Crude Oil WTI Futures
The Goldman Sachs Commodity Index
Gold Price since 1968
Silver Price since 1968
The TED Spread

US dollar TED spread
TED spread daily
Corporate Bond Yields

Aaa and Baa bond yield charts
Aaa and Baa corporate bond spread chart
Yield Curves

Yield Curves for different countries USA, Germany, Japan, UK, China, India (Bond supermart)
Yield Curve for USA                        10 Year
Yield Curve for UK
Yield Curve for Germany
Yield Curve for Japan
Yield Curve for Hong Kong
Yield Curve for Australia
Yield Curve for Brazil
Yield Curve for Switzerland     
Various Bank of America - Merrill Lynch Bond Yields 
Short term Policy Interest Rates

Short Term Policy Rates in Selected Economics
2, 5 and 10 Year Yields Various Countries

Bond yields, 2, 5 and 10
10 Year Government Bond Yields

FT 10 year bond yield spreads for major nations
US Government 10 Year Bond Yield
US yields over time (back to 1990)
UK Government 10 Year Bond yield
Canadian Government 10 Year Bond Yield
French Government 10 Year Bond Yield
German Government 10 Year Bond Yield
Greek Government 10 Year Bond Yield
Italian Government 10 Year Bond Yield

Irish Government 10 Year Bond Yield
Portuguese Government 10 Year Bond Yield

Spanish Government 10 Year Bond Yield
Inflation in Major Economies
Central Bank Balance Sheets

BIS Data on Central Bank Balance Sheets

Central Bank Balance Sheets in Dollars
Central banks assets % of GDP
The European Central Bank
ECB Annual
The Federal Reserve Balance Sheet
Bank of England
Bank of England 2
Bank of Japan
Bank of England LPMBL22
Bank of England RPWB56A
Credit Default Swap Data
FT Credit Default Swap Indices
Below are 5 Year Credit Default Swap Charts

Credit Default Swaps USA
Credit Default Swaps UK
Credit Default Swaps China
Credit Default Swaps Germany
Credit Default Swaps France
Credit Default Swaps Spain
Credit Default Swaps Italy
Credit Default Swaps Greece
Credit Default Swaps Ireland
Credit Default Swaps Portugal
Credit Default Swaps Russia
Credit Default Swaps Turkey
Credit Default Swaps Hungary
Credit Default Swaps South Africa
Credit Default Swaps Brazil
Credit Default Swaps Argentina
Credit Default Swaps Venezuela

Basic Economic Data on Major Economies

Link to data on major economies

Trade as a percentage of GDP
  Link to Trade data
Net International Investment Positions

Europe NIIPs
IMF Balance of Payments Data

BoP Data by Country

GDP of Different countries in US dollars map

World Economic Outlook (October 2022) - GDP, current prices (

GDP per capital map

World Economic Outlook (October 2022) - GDP per capita, current prices (
Country Sovereign Ratings

Sovereign Credit Ratings of Standard and Poor's 
Standard and Poor's provides a credit rating for over 130 countries. Investment grades is AAA to BBB-. Below investment grade is BB+ and lower.
Trading Economics provide credit ratings as given by all three major credit rating agencies. Plus their own overall rating.
The Country Economy ratings page shows credit ratings for Sovereigns by all three major Credit Rating Agencies (CRAs). Namely, Standard and Poor's, Moody's and Fitch
Economics Intelligence Unit Risk Ratings 
The Economist Intelligence Unit publishes risk ratings on a score of 1 to 100 with 100 being maximum risk.

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