Best Personal Finance Sites
The internet has some really top personal finance websites. They can be a very useful resource giving you tips and advice on how to invest, manage your finances, pay for your education, save money and find you the best mortgage and loans. some also have useful tools such as portfolio trackers. Below are some of the best personal finance websites we have found.
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Superb way to keep track of income, expenses and account balances via the web
Excellent site for investing, saving, borrowing, taxes and retirement
Excellent site on wealth management, investment, retirement, tax planning and college fees and perceptive analysis.
Enter your portfolio's ticker symbols and the number of shares. It will then analyse your portfolio's expected return based on historical volatility and performance.
Great site for learning about investment and investment ideas. Ideal for people wishing to manage their personal finances better.
Nice website for small investors, offers something different from the well known sites.
This is an excellent personal finance blog which looks at money spending, money saving and money investment. It is full of tips on how to manage your personal finances and we particularly like the articles section which has plenty of practical advice on how to manage your personal finance effectively. Well worth a look.
A UK based site and magazine that focuses on personal finance issues such as investments, savings, online trading and even tips and advice.
A really good all round personal finance site. Covers savings, investment, spending and retirement. Has many associated blogs covering personal finance issues.
The personal finance section of bloomberg covers issues such as savings, retirement, taxes, health and insurance. In addition there is news and a great portfolio tracker.
This site provides you with useful education and advice relating to the better management of your personal finances. There are sections on money management and how to improve yourself. The above links to an interesting article on retirement planning.
Covers stocks, the economy, technology and housing also college fees. The daily news coverage is a good way of keeping up with developments.
Is a great way to learn about the basics of investing and personal finance.
Includes news, stock of the day and articles covering personal finance,
budgeting and saving, retirement, insurance, and real estate plus a
Covers bonds, stocks, commodities, ETFs/Mutual Funds, forex and real estate.
Informative site dealing with all aspects such as mortgages, autos, savings, credit cards, college, retirement and pensions.
Offers stock research, education center, editorial and premium investment tools.
Kiplinger is aimed at helping you better manage your financial affairs and get a better return on your money.
Written by a collection of women, this site gives a wide range of tips on how to save money and get good deals.
This site is an aggregator for numerous well established personal finance sites. As such it provides a lot of useful links to articles and interesting sites.
Another website aggregator taking headlines from various personal finance blogs.
A good site for those interested in the financial industry provides quotes for various indices including, stocks bonds, commodities and futures.
A website with some 1500 contributors, provides investment advice and ideas. In addition there is news. Also provides videos from experts on investing and trading ideas.
This site is aimed at financial advisors but is also useful for private investors. Covers the fund management industry, insurance, wealth and retirement.
This is the personal finance part of time magazine. covers investment, retirement, real estate and many other useful topics for personal investors.
A large resource for those wishing to educate themselves about personal finance issues. Covers all sorts of topics such as mortgages, banking, credit, retirement, insurance, investing etc. There is also a finance directory with many useful links.
A website full of consumer news and deals. There are sections on college, credit and debt, retirement, real estate, taxes and more. There are consumer product tests. They also have a money saving newsletter and good videos.
A good personal finance site covering a variety of topics including careers, business, personal finance and investing. Various freelance writers contribute.
Covers full range of personal finance, including money management, credit and debt, investing, real estate, careers, family and home.
This personal finance site covers a large range of personal finance issues and has a nice glossary. It also has a load of tutorials covering a range of personal finance issues.
Covers personal finance in full along with investment ideas and a superb education center. Also a range of calculators for loans and other purposes.
Covers investment, mortgages, pensions. Money adviser and investment adviser sections. Excellent UK site from financial Times.
A website run by US government with advice from 20 government agencies on how to manage your money, career and financial health much better. Includes quality information and some useful tools.
We like the personal finance section of the above website. It has a range of advice and tips covering issues like 401K pensions, investing, retirement, borrowing and much more.
A very useful resource for personal finance with some great guides for retirement, investing, taxes and financial planning. The site also has lots of very useful links to other personal finance websites.
Run by, this personal finance section covers saving, investing, financial planning, real estate careers and much more. We particularly like the financial tools offering. A wide variety of contributors.
This enormously popular website is full of tips on frugal living, how to save money and useful personal finance tips.
A really down to earth website giving tons of tips on how to save and make money. We like the 14 Money Rules and the reader mailbox. The site get a lot of traffic and you can search all posts by categories. Simple but very effective.
A blog that advises you both how to save and utilize your money more effectively. topics covered include, savings, insurance, credit cards, loans/mortgages and a guide to money. There is also a very active forum.
An excellent resource with actual lessons on how to manage your personal finances. It can be used by individuals or even schools that want to teach students how to better mange their finances, careers, interactions with banks and management of debt.
The Fox Business website has an excellent personal finance section covering, student loans, career, mortgage, healthcare, retirement and taxes. There are useful tools such as a calculator for mortgages and loans.
A UK website with advice and useful articles covering key areas such as savings, investment, borrowing, managing debt, Homes and mortgages, insurance and pensions.
This blog has a lot plain speaking common sense and sensible advice. Blog posts can be looked up under various categories, such as debt, health insurance, investment and mortgages etc. You can also go through the monthly posts to find articles of interest.
The Daily Telegraph has a good personal finance section covering investing, pensions, mortgages, savings tips and much more. In addition, there are plenty of interesting and current news articles.
Covers personal finance issues such as savings, investing, planning, taxes, jobs and real estate. It is run by AOL so ensuring good quality of reporting. There is also up to date news on stocks.
The money section of the UK AOL website provides up to date personal finance news. In addition there are tips on how to save money and invest. you can also learn about property, banking and other investments.
This is a promising and developing website covering a wide range of personal finance issues such as mortgages, insurance, education and much more. Full of great advice on how to both save and invest money.
The mortgage loan finance dictionary is particularly strong for personal finance terminology covering things like annual percentage rate, adjustable mortgage rate. In all some 2,200 words are covered.
This site is run by FINRA Investor Education Foundation it provides a free, unbiased resource aimed at improving your financial health. The site contains useful information and tools to improve your financial decisions by arming you with the information needed to protect yourself from investment fraud.
This is a popular UK based personal finance site covering news, consumer, How-To, Tech and other stuff. Full of useful tips and advice.
Run by Royal London this is a superb personal finance site for deciding on budgeting. Topics covered include budgeting, goals, insurance, savings, investments, property and much more.
Publishers of the Aarp magazine is a lifestyle website targeted at the over 50s age group. The money section covers budgeting, retirement, saving and investing and financial services.
This is a UK based site covers investment, savings, mortgages, insurance, tax, retirement and utilities. There is also relevant news and some excellent blogs and advice.
The yahoo personal finance section is updated daily and is full of sound advice on insurance, savings and investment, retirement and taxes. We also like the various financial calculators.
This website is mainly about personal finance and investing for the long term. The Blog is run by Mike Piper who has written several books in the personal finance area. It is full of useful advice on personal finance, taxes, retirement and investing issues.
This UK based website has a number of blogs covering personal finance issues covering issue like property, food, debt, energy etc. Much other useful personal finance issues are covered on the main site.
This is a UK website that describes itself as social news and knowledge network for the investment community.
Covers investment strategy, financial planning, retirement and many up to date issues from the finance community. Highly recommended.
This is a personal finance website that has become very popular since starting in 2003. Written by Luke Landes. He covers a wide range of issues from banking, credit cards, investing, taxes, careers and more. Full of useful tips and advice.
This is a free site where you can post a question and receive an answer. There is a huge range of topics covered including equities, bonds, banking, debt, credit cards, taxes, loans and personal finance.
The AARP magazine tends to specialise in finance for the over 50s. The money section has some excellent resources covering saving and investment, taxes, budget and savings, credit and debt, scams and fraud. Plus postings by their regular team.
This is an excellent personal finance blog that ranks very highly in the popularity lists. There is plenty of sound advice on how to save, invest, manage your money. There is also plenty of ways to find interesting posts from the tag cloud.
See It Market offers an interesting educational take on investing and economics and everyday financial life. There are many contributors including professionals, investors, and entrepreneurs. The personal finance section covers family, budgeting, real estate and retirement.
This website is really a blog covering a huge range of personal finance issues such as credit, debt, savings, investing, mortgages, real estate and many other topics.
This website covers developments in the stockmarkets and bond markets more from a personal finance perspective. It is written by financial journalists and
industry experts with the aim of providing actionable investing
This site has a mixture of personal finance, money saving tips and deals that should save you money. The site has a number of contributors and articles are of a good quality.
This a personal finance site where readers can share their thoughts and expertise on all things personal finance related. There is a wide range of topics covered under the categories section. The posts are excellent.
The Bogleheads forum is a very popular forum devoted to the discussion of investing, personal finance, and consumer issues. Other topics covered include politics and economic policy issues e.g. health care and tax proposals
Moneysmartlife is a common sense personal finance website covering taxes, careers, frugality, investing and real estate. There are very sensible tips and advice that will save you money and improve your investing.
The New York times buck blog is an excellent personal finance
resource. Posts cover a huge range of taxes from budgeting, investments, taxes, mortgages to health expenses. Many other topics and personal finance issues covered.
The Smart Spending blog is a great way to get ideas about how to spend
money wisely and manage your finance better. Many posts come from related
partner websites so you will get plenty of good ideas.
Marketviews is a useful personal finance site which gives market commentary including weekly stock tips, funds, retirement income. There are also
a range of useful "How-to-Guides". Written by prominent financial journalists and industry experts it is well worth a read.
This is a blog by Philip Taylor and other contributors. The site focussed on helping you make extra money, save more money, and spend your money wisely.
This online version of the magazine is a useful source of wealth management tips and advice.
This is a personal finance site that is targeted at women. There is advice on controlling spending, becoming financially independent, reducing debt and raising finance for a business.
This is a UK based personal finance site it covers mortgages, insurance, savings, investments, pensions, loans & credit and ways to cut your bills. There are plenty of well researched articles along with relevant news.
This personal finance blog is aimed at those in their 20s and 30s. Written by J Money there are many entertaining but insightful articles about how to get your personal finance in order and build up your wealth over time.
This website provides advice about how to be frugal its strapline is "living better for less". There are thousands of articles on money, food, homes & auto, lifestyle, family, baby boomers and 20 somethings.
There are also blogs and forums and more.
This website provides an alternative approach to improving your personal finances. It has articles and videos that attempt to give its readers a key to financial freedom. News, deals, Store and Moneymaker are the main sections.
If you are looking for a personal finance calculator then this website has some excellent links to ones covering financial planning, investments, taxes, home, insurance and debt.
This personal finance site deals with financial issues for the under 30s. Covers money tools, investing and earning, personal finance, entrepreneurship and careers.
An extensive personal finance version of Plenty of articles covering, tax, investment, smart spending, family, career, real estate and lifestyle.
What makes this site interesting is that it relies primarily on interviews from market experts concerning a wide variety of issues such as stocks, bonds, taxes and more.
This website provides plenty for those interested in personal finance issues. As well as up to date articles there are reviews and news. Sections on CD rates, saving, banking and credit cards. The frugal living and video sections make it a first class website.
This site is an informational news blog that aims to provide insightful reviews, analysis and well researched articles for consumers and market investors. There is sections on stocks/business news, reviews and investing.
An interesting forum site where topics discussed include the financial profession, the financial industry and personal finance issues.
This site is a blog aggregator taking its stories from a mix of personal fiancé blogs. The site is updated every 5 minutes so you can see the latest posts from various personal finance blogs. Also it is advertisement free.
This is an very interesting personal finance site written by a former hedge fund manager. The site it is designed to
make sure that people make sound personal finance decisions by learning about potential mistakes.
This site offers very useful advice on personal finance issues covering banking, debt, loans, insurance and investment. There is also a useful guides section covering other important personal finance issues.
This is a commendable site full of personal finance insights. It covers the full range of personal finance issues and there are numerous articles covering a variety of personal finance issues in quite some depth.
This site is full of information about how to save money, how to invest money and all aspects of personal finance. There are articles, tips and a community forum and blog.
This site is really useful if you want to find articles on personal finance issues like credit and debt, taxes, insurance and investments such as banking, forex, futures and stocks.
The newsnow website has lots of links to up to date personal finance stories in the news. The above link is primarily to UK related material.
Your personal finance pro is a website aimed at young professionals as well as interesting blog posts there is a very useful resources page, It has links to personal finance websites that you can use.
This site is maily focussed on improving your financial planning. It is full of useful posts that help you to manage your finances more effectively. Covers issues such as retirement, social security, taxation and mortgages.
This is an excellent personal finance site as it is written very clearly and we particularly like its Library section. It also has a number of practical guides on various topics such as budgeting and saving, credit cards, investing and retirement amongst others.
A very good money management site, with advice on how to make money, save money, manage money and special sections for students, over 50s and even the unemployed. Plenty of good articles focussed at UK consumer market.
This is a personal finance site which is aimed at helping you to maximise the usage of your money. Sections of finding a job, buying a home, saving for college or retirement are very well written.