Best Economics Education Sites
There are a great deal of resources on the web for students studying economics, they range from videos explaining economic concepts, course notes, dictionaries, blogs and much more. Below is a selection of the best economics education resources. Other resources are listed under our economic research and economic data links.
We love this site it is a statistical search engine. You ask it for data and it will give you it. GDP per capita, exports as a percentage of GDP, population, value of the currency against the dollar, stock prices and charts...and much more. Solves equations and covers many subject areas from science, maths, music and history.
The council for Economics education website proves a useful starting point for students of economics.
A great site for students who wish to learn all about economics, tons of material and useful data and links
A nice site giving basic coverage of economics and links to interesting economics sites
Provides a concise encyclopaedia, classic texts and, articles and data links by topic. Plus some excellent discussion.
For those beginning economics grades 6 to 12. Useful discussions and data links. Aimed at both students and educators.
There is also a glossary of key terms.
7) WebEc
A good place to find information on various branches of economics such a business economics, international economics, labor economics etc
A nice economics blog/education site covering basic micro and macroeconomics. Ideal for A-level students and year 1 university students.
A site for those studying economics, lots of useful links and also links to some 9,700 economics texts
The open courseware courses of MIT enable students to access courses as taught by the leading MIT faculty.
Intute provides valuable links to resources in many areas of economics.
12) Ask Dr Econ
The Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco site. You can ask an economics question and they keep an historical archive of previous questions and answers.
A nice online resource for those studying economics. Good coverage of both micro and macro economics and global economy.
The Marginal Revolution University is a pioneering effort to put courses online for students and lecturers. Each course offered has accompanying slides, notes and videos. The course offerings will expand over time.
15) New Economics Foundation
An alternative to mainstream economic ideas. The foundation puts planets and people first and promotes new economic ideas
A very useful resource covering the current state of the US and global economy. Also provides investment, personal finance and economic statistics. We like the slideshows covering interesting economic issues.
This site is a very useful economics resource site with a nice sense of humour. Includes a glossary and encyclopaedia and much more.
Provides free pdf textbooks written by University Professors, covers microeconomics, macroeconomics and econometrics. Financed by adverts in the books!
19) Resources for Economists
The American Economic Association provides a customized search engine to over 23,000 Economics Resources.
20) Nobel Prize in Economics
The Nobel prize for Economics was started in 1968. Since then many of the most distinguished economists have been awarded the prize and given speeches that are interesting.
Economic History website provides resources for scholars specialised in Economic History. Includes extensive book reviews and links to useful databases.
An excellent resource for those interested in international economic issues such as the Eurozone crisis. Includes an archive of various topics and links to relevant articles.
23) New Economics Foundation
A website that encourages alternative economic thinking. It challenges mainstream economic thinking in the areas of economics, environment and social issues.
A project devoted to improving mathematics learning resources for students and lecturers of economics at the undergraduate level.
This page gives definitions of important economic and financial indicators. Includes a useful why investors care analysis.
Publishes economic news and analysis. There are also reports on economic justice and primers on economic topics. Takes a critical view of the mainstream media's coverage of the economy.
This site has video lectures covering key concepts in both micro and macroeconomics. Very useful for students looking to understand basic concepts.
A very helpful website for those wishing to learn economics to a reasonable standard. Lots of materials including video lectures of important concepts.
A site run by an economics Professor Gary Clayton providing useful links to a variety of economics related websites.
The Economics Business and Enterprise Association website is a great resource for teachers of Economics and Business. It has lots of advice on how to make teaching in these subject areas more interesting
The Foundation for Economic Education is a great way to learn about free market economic thinking. There is a huge catalogue of articles published in the Freeman journal. There are also videos and other useful resources.
Run by Moody's this website looks at what is happening in the global economy. It has the latest data and you can look at what is currently happening to GDP, inflation and unemployment in each economy.
This website is run by Jodi Beggs and is devoted to explaining economics to first year university level. There are some nice instructional videos covering various topics and plenty of interesting posts and links.
A blog that introduces some basic economic concepts and explains various branches of economics.
Has video lectures from leading economists on a variety of topics such as behavioural economics, inequality in income, the state of the world economy etc
This youtube channel has a lot of videos covering microeconomics at the introductory level. Very detailed explanations with appropriate diagrams.
Russ Roberts talks to a wide variety of very well known economists such as Joseph Stiglitz, Robert Barro, Milton Friedman on a huge range of topics. You can play them live or stream them. Checkout the archive for full list.
This is a part of the Tutor2u website with specific revision notes that are useful for last minute revision.
We like this website as it includes many maps of the world and you can see via the colours things like , health, income levels, degrees of inequality, energy consumption and much more social, business and economic indicators.
Has lots of courses from leading University Professor covering economics, game theory, behavioural economics. You follow the courses over a period of weeks.
The Khan Academy provides video lectures in a variety of economics areas such as micro and macro economics. The above links to a variety of lectures from their microeconomics offering.
The top documentary films website has a superb collection of documentary videos on economics including the financial crisis, collapse of Lehman's and other interesting topics over 70 videos.
The S-cool website has a nice economics section for students doing first year economics or A-level type courses in economics. Covers major topics such as inflation, economic growth, balance of payments and unemployment.
Don't be put off by the title, there are some excellent charts on this site covering finance, business and the global economy. It is a great teaching resource with lots of useful diagrams and data.
A great resource for those studying economics, lots of videos covering main economic issues, plus useful links to various websites.
A very nice set of videos on basic economic concepts such as the effects of taxes, price elasticity, the gains from trade, production possibility frontier and much more.
47) ChineseHongKongUniveristy/IntEcon
The Chinese University of Hong Kong has this very useful webpage of links for those interested in international economics - over 3800 links. From exchange rates to WTO.
48) Commanding Heights
This site gives a comprehensive overview of global economic history since World War 1. It includes interviews, essays, charts, reports, an interactive atlas of history and economic data on globalization.
The wikipedia economics section is an excellent starting point for those wishing to learn more about economics. It covers both micro and macroeconomics in some detail. Plus there are sections on international economics and also extensive sections covering the history of economics and different schools of economics.
The Urch forum is a very useful discussion board for those interested in doing a PhD in economics. Others share their thoughts on the merits of various schools.
This website has a nice basic economics course covering both microeconomics and macroeconomics concepts. The explanations are supplemented with appropriate diagrams and illustrated with numerical examples as well.
This website has good coverage for an introductory economics course covering both microeconomic and macroeconomic topics. It is particularly useful for UK students studying A-level economics.
This website published by Tejvan Pettinger is a great resource for those studying A-level economics. It has a UK focus and has a selection of material covering both micro and macro-economics. All in all a very useful resource.
54) GDAE
The Global Development and Environment Institute at Tufts University is a great resource for those wishing to look at economics from an alternative perspective including social and environmental issues there are also free online course materials.
This website contains a lot of free material covering micro, macro, international economics. It is ideal for those doing introductory economics and A-level economics. There are also lots of self-test questions.
The economics section of Cliffnotes provides a good overview of both micro and macro topics. The course notes are also accompanied with useful diagrams.
This is a website run by the Economics Students Society of Australia. It is basically a student led economics website covering various economics issues of the day. There are many interesting articles on the application of economics to the real world. There is also an interesting forum.
The Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta has a nice education center for economists including videos and powerpoints on topics like the history of central banking, GDP, Unemployment, fractional reserve banking and inflation.
Nations online is an established portal linking to information on every country of the world. There are statistics on the populations, major cities and links to a huge range of resources from each country covering news, data and much more.
A useful website covering definitions of the various areas of economics. Areas covered include micro and macroeconomics, international economics, environmental economics and others.
This is a website aimed at teenagers and gives them the basics in investing, stocks, bonds and economics. There are also useful sections on career and education.
Education Portal has a range of courses in business and economics. Courses include, macroeconomic, principles of marketing, principles of management and organizational behaviour. The courses are taught with the use of good quality video.
The etown virtual library system is a frequently updated Internet directory of over 2000 annotated links to high-quality English-language sources of current information and analysis in a wide range of international affairs, international relations, international
studies, global studies, and global education topics.
The International Economics study center is where you can read online Steve Suranovic's textbook on international economics. He covers a wide range of international economics issues and also has a nice blog.
The Cato institute published a monthly article on a particular topic or issue by an eminent economists, policy maker or professional on a key economic issue. The essays are much longer than a normal blog post and there are hundreds of issues covered.
A website about ideas for a free society. Has a lot of economics coverage including an economics 101 covering lots of topics and relevant videos. The videos are covered by different professors who are experts in the relevant area.
The International Monetary Fund back to basic series covers some basic economic concepts for the non specialist. Various contributors explain the difference between micro and macro economics, econometrics, GDP, inflation, monetary and fiscal policy etc. Topics are explained in a lively and interesting way.
The Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis has links to many useful resources for economics students such as the GDP, Federal Reserve System. There are other interesting resources such as the Fed Chairman game.
69) is a site where people share their insights in various topic areas. Many post links to excellent resources such as videos and articles. The above links to their economics sites.
70) Econometrics Academy
This website is great for those wishing to improve their knowledge of econometrics. There are lessons on times series, cross sectional and panel data using econometrics packages such as Stata.
The Institute for New Economics thinking is a website devoted to trying to move economics in a new direction so as to face the challenges of the 21st century. The Institute funds research into new economics projects that challenge the mainstream consensus. There are also some very good blogs written by prominent economists.
Jorum is the place where you will find free open educational resources produced by the UK Further and Higher Education community. If you tap in "economics" it will direct you to economics resources such as notes, powerpoints and course outlines.
Saylor offers a variety of open access courses in economics including labor economics, international trade, principles of micro and macro, econometrics and statistics. The module material are provided for free and might supplement an existing university module.
This site has quite a lot of useful free resources. The site covers a wide range of topics, from macroeconomics to market structures, from management to international trade, from economic policies to climate change. There are useful links to software and economic datasets.
If you are thinking of studying economics at a college or higher degree level then the above link from the American Economic Association discusses many issues for those thinking of studying the subject.
This is a UK based website providing details of economics for those students thinking of studying Economics at the University level. Issues covered include skills required, areas of economics and career and pay prospects upon graduation.
The IPL2 websites has links to many useful resources in Business and Economics as well as other education areas. There is coverage of accountancy, banking, economics, business, insurance and finance.
The Hidden secrets of money is a series of videos about money and the money creation process. It provides an interesting take on the world of fiat money and its dangers favoring investors to hoard gold and silver.
This site provides lots of interesting long term charts comparing gold price to consumer prices, the Dow Jones compared to gold, debt to GDP etc. Charts cover economy, markets and comparisons.
80) )
The Goldman our thinking site is useful as it has videos covering macreoconomic trends and trends in business. There is also a link to talks with senior thought leaders and a useful archive section linking to papers and research.
For anyone interested in the issue of inequality then this website Covering research by Brian Atkinson and Salvatore Morelli covers some 25 countries over 100 years to look at whether inequality is rising or falling in terms of both income and wealth.
This excellent resource published by Max Moser provides charts and graphics looking at societal progress using 16 dimensions including health, population, education, war and peace, Economic Development, Work Standard of Living etc
Economists are often called upon to interpret economic data ad there is always a danger of spurious correlations. This website has tons of funny spurious correlations. Did you know consumption of margarine and divorce are highly correlated ?!
The American Institute for Economic Research covers current issues in economics with respect primarily to the US economy. As well as an associated blog there are interesting videos.
The Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis page one economics site has lots of material on economics. With articles on all sorts of interesting economics questions with accompanying PDFs and exercises. In addition there is easy access the latest macro data such as GDP, inflation and
The Institute for New Economic Thinking has been keen to promote a new way of teaching economics. One result is a new economics textbook provided free online reflecting the new curriculum they would like to see. The book is open access to all those that sign up at this site.
ThinkEconomics illustrates basic economic principles through interactive graphs. The graphs enable students to develop analytic and deductive reasoning skills by manipulating graphical elements of the economic models. Students also learn how to apply these models to analyze and understand economic phenomena.
This site is run by the Cato institute and produces statistics that track human progress over time. Most of the datasets deal with long-term global trends (e.g. infant mortality covers the period from 1960 to 2011 in 198 countries). The datasets are interactive allowing the users to compare variables such as two or more countries.
This site provides nice diagrams and discussions of economic concepts. The various articles are submitted by the public and the best ones are published on the site. The topics covered include micro, macro and international economics.
The Federal Reserve education website is an excellent resource You can search by topic including history, banking, central banking, macroeconomic, monetary policy, money. A huge range of material from podcasts, to blogs, PDFs, websites etc
The Boundless website provides notes, exercises and powerpoints in economics. There are plenty of mainstream topics covered and notes are provided by economics teachers.
This site is part of except it specializes in excellent talks with guests ranging from small business owners to Nobel Laureates. Most of the interviews are in the form of podcasts or can be streamed online.
This site covers a range of topics including Business, economics, politics, science and technology. There are also excellent interviews with many of the world's prominent leaders and thinkers such as Richard Branson, James Dyson and Jimmy Wales.
An excellent resource for both students and lecturers in game theory. There are lecture notes, a dictionary of terms, quizzes and tests. We especially like the real life applications of game theory.
If you are looking for material that challenges the conventional neoclassical economics taught in Universities then Steve Keen's site has a nice selection of material and lectures. It also links to his other site
This site specializes in producing infographics. The website describes itself as "a new way to discover business opportunities and learn about investment trends. The site is populated with exclusive infographics from our own design studio and curated visual content from around the web."
This site is produced by the office for National Statistics to provide a visual look at UK data. There are sections covering business, industry and trade, the economy, employment and labour market. and people population and community.
This site is set up as a more practical site looking at economics as a subject that can explain day to day life. It was born out of student dissatisfaction with the way economics is being taught at Universities with its over reliance on the neoclassical model.
This site provides a weekly column by David Walsh who used to write an economics column entitled Economic Principals for the Boston Globe. The aim is to keep track of what is going on in technical economics through weekly profiles of various shakers and movers.
This blog is designed for both teachers and students of economics. There are various categories you can click on in the introduction to economics section.
If you are looking for a Mooc course in economics then this site is a great way to search and find reviews. There are thousands of courses at all levels with user reviews of both free and paid Mooc courses.
This site has some useful coverage of basic economic concepts relating to micro and macro economics. There is also coverage of issues concerning economic development and international economics. We also like the links to economics blogs and podcasts.
This site provides resources such as, quality supplements, economic examples and links to cool stuff. It also has information on a full multi-media course package and workshop announcements on how to get trained to teach a course using the package in a seated or online setting.
This site has some useful links and seems to have some links to older editions of some well known textbooks.
Oxford Research Encyclopedias. This is an excellent generally open access encyclopedia of a variety of research in the areas of economics and finance. With well known researchers contributing this means there are also useful links for follow up in greater detail along with data and graphs on many of the topics.
This website provides some superb infograhics and vizualizations of data such as Amercias main imports and exports, China biggest trading partners, Countries with largest foreign direct investment and so on. The have charts on all sorts of things related to the global economy. which as been tracking inequality-related news and views for nearly two decades It is a project of the Institute for Policy Studies since 2011 and it has many useful insights into inequality and how the issue can be tackled.
The Economics Observatory aims to bridge the gap between academic research, government policy and the general public. The site seeks provide balanced and reliable answers to the economic questions that Covid-19 and its aftermath will bring. There are articles, videos and charts, aimed to help visitors understand the pandemic and it's numerous challenges.