Masters in Finance
Masters in finance programs can have a high financial and non financial return for students as they enable them to improve their quantitative and analytical tools as well as improve a deepen their understanding of finance theory and its applications. When selecting a masters in finance program it is very important to do extensive research. There are many programs that differ in quality, difficulty, course content, number of modules offered, reputation and degree of mathematical and econometric skills
required. Some programs focus mainly on improving students technical skills and therefore require the student to have a strong undergraduate background in mathematics and statistics. Other courses may require significantly lower levels of quantitative skills but emphasise more the application of finance theory to solving real world finance related problems.
If you are interested in doing a Masters in finance then this is a great place to start. As well as a list of established programmes in different continents there are videos, links to resources and related sites.
The website has a nice Masters in Finance webpage with rankings of European programs and information such as salaries. You can click on each program to get a detailed profile.
The Masters in Management Compass website has links to over 470 masters in finance programs from around the world
The US news website has a ranking of finance programs in the USA. Includes useful information such as fees and number of students enrolled at the School. When you click on each school you get relevant information about the School number of applications, acceptances and enrolment figures.
The eFinancial Careers website has an interesting post about the employment prospects from various Masters in Finance degrees based on ability to get employed in the UK financial sector. The top 15 programs in this respect are listed.
The Find a Masters website has listing of many of the best masters in Finance programs with over 1,750 listed.
The Wikipedia website has a nice entry on Masters in Finance programs covering structure, comparisons with other Masters and links to useful material.
Professor Don Chance has quite a lot of information and links to the most important Masters in Finance programs in the United States.
The Global Derivatives website has a listing of the more quantitative Masters in Finance programs. They have a really useful view of each of the programs. Covers programs in the UK and the rest of the world. There is also an active forum to discuss the various programs.
Some finance masters programs are mainly focussed on increasing the student' employability while other programs tend to emphasise academic content with a view to giving students the skill set required to complete a PhD after graduation.
Another consideration is whether you want to do a straight Masters in Finance or a combined degree such as Masters in Economics and Finance more applied program such as a Masters in Corporate Finance.
If you are interested in doing a Masters in finance then this is a great place to start. As well as a list of established programmes in different continents there are videos, links to resources and related sites.
The website has a nice Masters in Finance webpage with rankings of European programs and information such as salaries. You can click on each program to get a detailed profile.
The Masters in Management Compass website has links to over 470 masters in finance programs from around the world
The US news website has a ranking of finance programs in the USA. Includes useful information such as fees and number of students enrolled at the School. When you click on each school you get relevant information about the School number of applications, acceptances and enrolment figures.
The eFinancial Careers website has an interesting post about the employment prospects from various Masters in Finance degrees based on ability to get employed in the UK financial sector. The top 15 programs in this respect are listed.
The Find a Masters website has listing of many of the best masters in Finance programs with over 1,750 listed.
The Wikipedia website has a nice entry on Masters in Finance programs covering structure, comparisons with other Masters and links to useful material.
Professor Don Chance has quite a lot of information and links to the most important Masters in Finance programs in the United States.
The Global Derivatives website has a listing of the more quantitative Masters in Finance programs. They have a really useful view of each of the programs. Covers programs in the UK and the rest of the world. There is also an active forum to discuss the various programs.