Best Websites for Options
Options basically come in two forms; there are the call options which give the holder the right to buy the underlying and put options which give the holder the right to sell the underlying. While the pricing of options is a more advanced topic requiring knowledge of the Black-Scholes option pricing model. Trading options is a lot more simple and there are a variety of trading strategies that can be devised using options. Below are some of the best option websites on the internet.
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OptionMetrics is the financial industry's premier provider of quality historical option price data, tools, and analytics. Currently, over 300 institutional subscribers and universities rely on our products as their main source of options pricing, implied volatility calculations, volatility surfaces, and analytics. We enable traders to construct, test, and execute options/derivatives investment strategies and accurately monitor their risk exposure, so that they can make more informed and, ultimately, more profitable investment decisions.
Stock Options Search Engine - model the world of options trades for your favorite stocks using a forecast target and expiration date.
The Chicago BoardOptions Exchange
The Number 1 Exchange for trading options. Full of information on prices, strategies and education.
The New York Stock Exchange Trades a vast array of derivatives including future and options on its exchange. It is also the owner of the London International Financial Futures Exchange (LIFFE). The is plenty of real time option prices and information on the site.
Provides analytical tools to trade options for investors as well as an up to date database on options covering some 10,000 stocks and 300,000 options. Also latest prices.
A great place to learn about options run by the options industry council (OIC). Offers online tutorials at beginners, intermediate and advanced levels. Includes delayed prices and option calculators
A tremendous resource for learning about options, option strategies. Also includes articles on how to trade options. Including online glossary.
Chicago Mercantile Exchange is a place to obtain options education, product specifications, option premiums and details of trading volumes.
A guide to all sorts of options related material, includes option pricing, glossary, trading and lots of other related information.
Is a website devoted to those wishing to trade options. It has an education center covering different types of option trading strategies, the Greeks and provides delayed option prices.
Provides daily news and information on options also has an education center, as well as trading analysis plus unusual trading activity. The site is run by a professional option trader.
A very simple website that allows you to input parameters in option pricing such as volatility, strike price, underlying price, risk free interest and time to expiration. To get the call and put premiums. You can also solve for implied volatility. There are also payoffs for various trading strategies.
An excellent resource for those wishing to learn about trading options. Looks at various trading strategies with relevant pay-offs. There are also useful videos, quizzes and a glossary.
This Yahoo page has excellent coverage of the basic of options, covering intrinsic and time value and also a variety of option strategies. There is also a useful glossary of option terms.
A website devoted to the quantitative finance side of derivatives including options.You can download some useful spreadsheets including Black-Scholes formula and there is also good coverage of quantitative finance masters programs.
Run by the options industry council this site aims to educate its users all about options. Includes industry coverage and news, education, strategies, a glossary, options calculators and much more.
A nice site for those wishing to learn the basics of options. It is especially good at explaining a wide variety of trading strategies for both bullish and bearish views.
Provides daily commentary, tables of intra-day bullish and bearish activity, option strategies and ideas. There is also a nice education section and put and call volume charts.
Schaeffers Research is a website that specialises in looking at options trading. There are articles and commentary about option positions in various stocks. They show call and put activity on various stocks and there is a very good education center.
The Derivatives news section of the Fincad website covers both exchange traded and over the counter derivatives news. The site covers how they can be used for risk management and also relevant regulatory issues.
This site carries end of day quotes for all stock options for the U.S. Equities markets. This includes every stock, index and ETF, for every strike and expiration. The service does not carry options on futures, commodities or Forex
currencies or options for other countries.
This website provides daily commentary, tables of intra-day bullish and bearish activity, strategy ideas, educational content, and put and call volume charts.
This site is designed to help equity traders/investors understand the alternative ways that they can use options to hedge or speculate in markets. The aim is to detail how to use equity options to better define risk, enhance yield and make use of leverage in a cost effective way.